Participation in the HDLEG Network and its affiliated websites constitutes an agreement to the following guidelines, which apply to posts, any other content on this site and participation in general.
Because of the live nature of the discussions in this community, it is not possible for us to review and confirm the accuracy or validity of a message before it is posted. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines or you have spotted content that may otherwise require attention, please send a private message to Notification is voluntary and anonymous, but in no case should a user respond to a situation personally, thereby aggravating the situation further. Responding to a violation in an inflammatory manner is a violation in itself and will result in appropriate action.
This website is a for-profit entity that will attempt to generate revenue through avenues that we deem appropriate. Any content that violates our User Guidelines will be removed. Interpretation of our guidelines is at the discretion of the staff.
Freedom of speech rights does not extend to privately owned websites, such as this one. These guidelines detail the types of behavior and activities that are allowed here.
If a user violates our guidelines and shows a disregard for them, our staff and our community, they run the risk of losing their account. We reserve the right to deactivate any account and to edit or remove any content without warning. These guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice.
Respecting your fellow members is the single most important component when participating in discussions with the HDLEG Network community. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, and general disrespect. Do not put down the opinion or advice that was given by others. If you don't agree with it, ask why, respectfully. Don't just tell them they're wrong. Do not make uninvited remarks about typos, duplicate posts, posting styles, etc.
When participating in an opinion-based discussion, do not state things like "there is no argument" as if your opinion is the only one that matters. When someone has clearly stated their opinion, do not say things like "Are you serious?" and "Are you kidding me?" Remember, this is not a debate club, this is a friendly discussion community. Allow people to have their opinion. No one person is the judge and jury to someone else's beliefs or philosophies.
Posts will be removed that refer to websites outside the HDLEG Network and its partners at the discretion of the HDLEG staff.
Cross-posting is not allowed and will result in the removal of one or more posts. Cross-posting is posting the same information in two or more locations. When posting your topic, please post it in the most appropriate place within the organizational structure of our community. Identical topics will be removed if posted in the same or different forums.
Posts will be removed that discuss illegal activities.
Political and religious discussions are not allowed on this website.
Do not post personal, real-life information such as home addresses, home phone numbers or email addresses.
Considering this community is English-speaking and English is the most common language that bridges non-English languages we require that comments be finalized in English so posts can be accurately monitored. The use of Google Translate is encouraged to help non-native English speakers.
Members will leave our community (of their free will or otherwise) from time to time. Therefore, we do not delete accounts, posts, or other content posted on our community. All content is granted to us with perpetual publishing rights. Any content published on this community becomes a part of the community, even if you no longer are. You may request an item to be removed at any time. However, we reserve the right to do so at our discretion.
Moderators have the final say on everything. If you have a problem, you may make a complaint to directly and not publicly on the website. Creating threads or posts that question or reference administrative decisions or potential administrative decisions, such as post removals and thread closures, is not permitted.
Whenever you are participating in this community, please keep in mind that we strive to create a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. Therefore, have a good time and enjoy the community discussions!
If you have questions, comments or suggestions about our User Guidelines or any topic about the HDLEG Network or its partners, please contact us at We will be glad to help you any way we can.
Thank you for visiting the HDLEG Network of sites.